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‘Race, Racism and Health’ Conference Announced

Some of the most influential figures on race and health inequalities will take part in the independent NHS Race and Health Observatory’s forthcoming international conference on ‘Race, Racism and Health’.

Headshot of Heather Nelson

Likkle but talawah

Over the years, having reached a point of exasperation, I accepted the struggle, hurdles and challenges to overcome can’t take place in isolation.

Inequalities in Mental Health Care for Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Communities, Identifying Best Practice

This report – Inequalities in Mental Health Care for Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Communities: Identifying Best Practice is a comprehensive review that explores a lack of mental health care provision for these communities; captures first hand insight; and highlights good practice examples from six effective services across England, most of them run by voluntary Gypsy, Roma and Traveller organisations.

Headshot of Heather Nelson

Likkle but talawah

Heather Nelson

My interest in equality first started in the 1980s. It was a wish of my parents for me to receive a ‘good education’. I was one of only four Black pupils in middle and high school, one that had changed from a boys’ grammar to a comprehensive. I could clearly see staff and teachers struggling with the new intake of Black faces that looked very different from other children; it was around then that I started, indirectly, forming questions about equality whilst facing the stark realisation about what difference meant.