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Ethnicity Coding in English Health Service Datasets

For this report we have analysed the quality and consistency of ethnicity coding within widely used health datasets, in order to inform users of ethnicity data and identify the actions needed to improve the quality of the underlying data. Along with providing insights for data users, the report sets out recommendations for policy-makers and organisations that generate and regulate health data. 

headshot of professor marmot

Build Back Fairer: Social Determinants, ethnicity and health

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed underlying inequalities in society and amplified them. Three striking features of the pandemic in Britain illustrate. First, is the social gradient in mortality from Covid – the greater the deprivation of area of residence, the higher the mortality rate.

Genomics and Precision Medicine

Genomics and precision medicine are currently at the cutting edge of medical technology and promise a world in which treatments can be more targeted and effective.

NHS Update Guidance On Blood Oxygen Monitors

In April 2021, the NHS Race and Health Observatory published a rapid review with recommendations into the accuracy of Pulse Oximeter readings for people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.