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My ambition is to see patients’ voices at the heart of the design and delivery of healthcare

Dr Henrietta Hughes

First Do No Harm, the independent review of the safety of medicines and medical devices led by Baroness Julia Cumberlege, found that patients’ voices were ignored, and that the health system did not listen and act, but was defensive, dismissive, and disjointed. As the first ever Patient Safety Commissioner I have been listening to patients and patient safety experts to understand what needs to improve.

Statement in response to the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard report, 2022.

“The latest Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) data report reiterates the fact that whilst the NHS is diverse, it’s not always inclusive. We welcome the increase in the overall number of Black, Asian and ethnic minority staff joining the NHS workforce, including the slight rise at board level, but there still remains unacceptable levels of discrimination, bullying, harassment and barriers to progression for significant proportions of our diverse staff.

We deserve better: Ethnic Minorities with a Learning Disability and Access to Healthcare

Commissioned by the NHS Race and Health Observatory, this comprehensive recommendations review: ‘We deserve better: Ethnic minorities with a learning disability and access to healthcare’ has been undertaken by the University of Central Lancashire, in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University, Learning Disability England and the Race Equality Foundation.

Ethnic Health Inequalities and the NHS

This report represents one of many steps needed to help understand the factors that shape race inequality in health, including the forces of structural racism and discrimination, and to begin to respond to them with impactful changes. Knowing how the system works, and how it interacts with underserved communities, is an important step towards rebuilding that system in a way that truly has equality at its core. We invite those reading this report to join us on that journey.