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Improving Health and Care

Under this workstream, we will focus on areas in health and care that have long shown ethnic inequalities in access, experience, or outcomes – working to reshape policy and practice so that they support fair health and care for all

headshot of professor marmot

Build Back Fairer: Social Determinants, ethnicity and health

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed underlying inequalities in society and amplified them. Three striking features of the pandemic in Britain illustrate. First, is the social gradient in mortality from Covid – the greater the deprivation of area of residence, the higher the mortality rate.

NHS Race and Health Observatory Announces New Board Member

The Chief Executive of University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Eugine Yafele, has been appointed as a new Board member of the NHS Race and Health Observatory. Eugine will ensure a continued focus on acute delivery as the previous acute expert Board member Patricia Miller has taken on a new role.

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Ethnic Inequalities in Healthcare: A Rapid Evidence Review

The Observatory has published its much anticipated rapid review into ethnic health inequalities across a range of areas including key priorities set by the independent health body. Ethnic inequalities in access to, experiences of, and outcomes of healthcare are longstanding problems in the NHS, and are rooted in experiences of structural, institutional and interpersonal racism. This report is the first of its kind to analyse the overwhelming evidence of ethnic health inequality through the lens of racism.