RHO response to 2024 NHS Staff Survey results
Responding to the results of the latest NHS Staff Survey, Owen Chinembiri, Assistant Director for Workforce, NHS Race and Health Observatory, said:
“The latest NHS Staff Survey results show some improvements from previous years, with some of the survey results back to pre-pandemic levels. However, discrimination at work remains a concern having reached its highest level in five years. More than half (54%) of those experiencing discrimination said it was due to their ethnic background. It should also be noted that the experience of NHS staff from an ethnic minority backgrounds continues to be worse than that of their White colleagues, and this remains a critical concern to the Observatory.
“As such, the Observatory will shortly be launching its workforce programmes to help close gaps in opportunities, experiences and outcomes for staff working in the NHS. Our insights show an engaged and fully supported workforce leads to compassionate workplaces, organisational efficiencies and, critically, better outcomes for all patients.”