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The Elective Care Backlog and Ethnicity

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a large fall in hospital activity such as consultations, scans, tests and operations across England leading to a huge backlog in routine hospital care with an estimated seven million patients waiting to begin hospital treatment. The report outlines how people from Asian groups, in particular, experienced a much larger fall in planned hospital care during the pandemic than people from White, Black or Mixed ethnic groups.

Sickle Cell Programme

Sickle cell inequalities is a major priority for our work in empowering vulnerable people.

Headshot of Heather Nelson

Likkle but talawah

Heather Nelson

My interest in equality first started in the 1980s. It was a wish of my parents for me to receive a ‘good education’. I was one of only four Black pupils in middle and high school, one that had changed from a boys’ grammar to a comprehensive. I could clearly see staff and teachers struggling with the new intake of Black faces that looked very different from other children; it was around then that I started, indirectly, forming questions about equality whilst facing the stark realisation about what difference meant.

Get help to stop smoking this Ramadan

This Ramadan, the NHS Race and Health Observatory and British Islamic Medical Association have developed a new infographic to encourage smokers to use the Islamic holy month to seek support and quit smoking.

Improving Health and Care

Under this workstream, we will focus on areas in health and care that have long shown ethnic inequalities in access, experience, or outcomes – working to reshape policy and practice so that they support fair health and care for all