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Statement in response to the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard report, 2022.

“The latest Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) data report reiterates the fact that whilst the NHS is diverse, it’s not always inclusive. We welcome the increase in the overall number of Black, Asian and ethnic minority staff joining the NHS workforce, including the slight rise at board level, but there still remains unacceptable levels of discrimination, bullying, harassment and barriers to progression for significant proportions of our diverse staff.

NHS Race and Health Observatory Announces New Board Member

The Chief Executive of University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Eugine Yafele, has been appointed as a new Board member of the NHS Race and Health Observatory. Eugine will ensure a continued focus on acute delivery as the previous acute expert Board member Patricia Miller has taken on a new role.

Review of Neonatal Assessment and Practice in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Newborns: Exploring the Apgar Score, the Detection of Cyanosis, and Jaundice

A new review published today by the NHS Race and Health Observatory outlines challenges in neonatal care for Black, Asian and minority ethnic babies, alongside clear recommendations on tackling them. Tests and assessments that indicate the health of newborns, moments after birth, are limited and not fit-for-purpose for Black, Asian and ethnic minority babies, and need immediate revision according to the NHS Race and Health Observatory.