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Communities urged to get jabbed this New Year

“We are now experiencing the highest rates of COVID-19 infections since the pandemic began, but there still remains lingering doubt about vaccines and boosters amongst some of our Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups, especially those from Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities.

We deserve better: Ethnic Minorities with a Learning Disability and Access to Healthcare

Commissioned by the NHS Race and Health Observatory, this comprehensive recommendations review: ‘We deserve better: Ethnic minorities with a learning disability and access to healthcare’ has been undertaken by the University of Central Lancashire, in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University, Learning Disability England and the Race Equality Foundation.

headshot of professor marmot

Build Back Fairer: Social Determinants, ethnicity and health

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed underlying inequalities in society and amplified them. Three striking features of the pandemic in Britain illustrate. First, is the social gradient in mortality from Covid – the greater the deprivation of area of residence, the higher the mortality rate.